Shie Research Group
The Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Chemical Biology
Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Our research interests are primarily in the areas of organic synthesis and chemical biology. We are interested in using chemistry as tools to study and address in biology.
漫步科研 : 有機化學與生命科學美麗的結合-生物正交性化學 (中研院訊 第1702期)
台灣研究新發現 : Dibenzocyclooctendiones (DBCDOs): New Arginine-Selective Labeling Reagents Obtained Through Benzilic Acid Rearrangement (國科會《化學圖書服務計畫》111年9月號電子報)
工商時報 名家評論 : 點擊化學及生物正交性化學為何獲頒今年的的諾貝爾化學獎? (2022/11/01)
I. Bioconjugation Chemistry and Fluorescent Smart Probes
~ Fluorescence-forming probes and chemosensors upon chemical bioconjugation.
~ Development of novel chemical bioconjugation reactions in biological systems.
~ Fluorescent labeling chemistry of biomolecule in cells.
II. Organic Synthesis and Drug Discovery
~ Glycoconjugates Synthesis: one-pot strategy toward synthesis of O- or N-linked glycoconjugates.
~ Development of new and efficient synthetic methodologies and their application towards
synthesis of carbohydrate-based small molecular inhibitors.
~ Drug discovery for anti-flu and anti-COVID-19 as well as neurodegenerative disease.